Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Poor Neglected Blog
Well, we are just about ready for the celebrations. We have 2 of them...we celebrate the Winter Solstice, then we celebrate Christmas.
The solstice is the spiritual event - whereas Christmas is just pure indulgence. But this is a hard time of year, with the dark and the cold - so any chance of a celebration is more than welcome.
LA is already hyper-excited, she has decided that Santa is going to bring her a dolls pram, there's absolutely no doubt about it - it is definitely going to happen.
Whichever Sun/son you celebrate the birth of - have a good one!
Friday, 30 November 2007
A Home Ed post...yes really!
Still - Here is a topic that fits the original plan (yes honestly, it does!!)
A few months ago LA decided she was going to learn to read. It started as "What does that word say Mummy?" "What about that one?"
It developed into "That word is the same as that one" and today we have a little girl who gets very frustrated when we tell her that the book she is waving about is "much too difficult" (yes I know, a very negative attitude...).
So we got some starter reading books from the library - mostly the Oxford Reading Tree and she sailed through them happily, looking for more.
I got my money out and purchased the Oxford Reading Tree and Red Nose Readers and shes so keen to read all of these, we were considering taking them away and slowly giving them back.
We haven't - as we realised that would be falling into the school trap. It would be deciding for her which words she should learn first, which when you think about it, really is a very silly idea.
So we read the "hard books" together, with LA reading the words she knows.
It does however totally reaffirm our decision not to send LA to school (she does ask to go - but that's another story), as we doubt this enthusiasm would be allowed to continue in a class of 30.
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
So much for the celebrating...
Poor Rich had to take the day off work, because no one was well enough to look after LA. But after it while, it became apparent that it was a good thing he hadn't gone.
We are still not feeling much better today. BA and MA have had a day off school (I'm sure that will cause trouble for them later this week) and LA and I have sat about feeling sorry for ourselves.
Rich has a parents evening this evening - so he felt that he had to go to work, but really wasn't well enough to do so. Lets hope no-one upsets him, he's not at his most patient when he's not well.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Wedding Anniversary
And how have we spent this momentous occasion?
Clearing out the garage!
We have a builder coming next week to have a look at it to see if it can be converted into a room.
We do desperately need the room - so sacrificing the day wasn't a pointless task.
Tonight we are off out, BA and MA are babysitting and we are going to have some adult time.
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Catch up time (again).
My Mums husband is in hospital at the moment, so Monday and Tuesday were taken up by driving to Cambridge and back. Luckily I didn't have to take LA with me, so at least the journeys were "are we nearly there yet?" free.
Apart from that, we've been busy crafting, reading, writing and using the computer. LA's computer skills are coming on in leaps and bounds. She now opens Word and starts typing some of the many words she knows, she can also change the font, font size and colour.
She also uses EducationCity, she's currently on the nursery stage, and seems to find it all so easy. Although while she's still happy with it, I'm reluctant to change it. It's good to have some easy things around, and there's plenty of time for the next stage.
We've sorted out all LAs baby toys and taken them to our childminder so her baby can have them. LA was very happy to do this, she obviously felt very good about giving these things away.
Playschool continues to present its problems, and we have decided to drop a day next term. We wanted to have a little flexibility on attendance, but they tell me they are audited and have to have reasons why children don't attend. So LA will only be going one day a week from after Christmas, and only this day so that she can stay in touch with the children she's met there. We will be filling this time by going to Home Ed group more frequently.
Today (Saturday), LA has been unwell, leaving little piles of bodily fluids everywhere. Yuck.
Hoping for a peaceful day tomorrow.
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Christian Ponderings
I guess anyone who has read this blog before will know that I'm not a Christian. So what's the title about? What's up for pondering?
A story for you:
Once upon a time, in a land far far away (Suffolk), there was a little girl, who was brought up as a Christian...
...when I was a little girl, this was great, as it meant that when people and animals died, we just had to be patient and wait until our turn to die when we would see them all again. It also meant that life wasn't pointless or hopeless as at the end of it - there was Heaven.
However, as I got older, I began to ask questions that no-one seemed able to answer. Christianity didn't make sense to me. It didn't 'fit', it was like wearing someone elses shoes.
But the message was, that those who weren't Christian, were evil and wicked and would go to Hell.
So at the tender age of 13, I decided I was destined for Hell.
Then in that way that only teenage girls can - I brought Hell to Earth! I made several people very unhappy (oh what an understatement that is), I manipulated, lied and cheated. I cared very little. I was horrid. Much too horrid to explain, and just as horrid to myself as much as everyone else. It was a bleak black time.
I suppose things got better when I started my nurse training. It was a "vocation" after all - maybe in some way, I felt I was back on the right path. I met Rich, and we got married in the local church. Time passed and I had my eldest 2 children, they were both Christened.
We even used to take them to Church at Christmas. but I was spending time thinking about what I really believed, and it really wasn't Christian.
Then I started working for Age Concern, running a small day centre in the church hall for people suffering from dementia. Part of our remit was to orientate these people to the time of year etc and every opportunity was used to do so. So in Autumn we stuck leaves on a tree picture, at Xmas we had a Christmas Tree...and one Halloween, I made the mistake of putting up a picture of a witch. A large picture of a witch on a broomstick, all coloured in with sweet papers.
Well, the vicar apparently "went mental" when he attended the hall for a church meeting. He leapt up onto the worktops and ripped the picture off the wall and into several pieces.
At least that's what those who were there told me. I continue to deny it had anything to do with the heart attack he suffered later that week.
The next time the vicar and I met, a few months later - I apologised for upsetting him. In return, he handed me a large pile of leaflets about The Evil Origins of Halloween, which talked about its Pagan past.
So, being one of the privileged few who had access to the Internet in 1995, I looked up Paganism.
And yes, he was right - I am a Pagan, my beliefs are absolutely in line with the beliefs of the Druid Tradition.
I have been Proud to call myself a Pagan ever since.
Now, LA is 3. She has only been exposed to Pagan beliefs, except for when cbeebies sneak a little religion in. Children see Paganism so easily, it's basic.
But, as she won't be going to school - she will miss the exposure to Christianity. I can cover the subject as it arises, but its hardly the same as experiencing it. So I wonder if I should take her to Church at Christmas, however despite my pondering sessions - I can't decide.
Christianity never did me any good, but I can see the good it does for others. As much as I may dislike it, society does sit on a cushion of Christianity (which itself sits on a bed of Paganism..), and much of what occurs in the world is based on religions.
Its not that I won't teach her about other religions - its the experience I'm wondering about...and try as I might, I can't decide how best to make it end happily ever after.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Knitting, Xmas and Cats
This week - I taught myself to knit. Now, OK, I know that this doesn't make me sound interesting or trendy - and 'tis true, I am neither. But I am "well pleased" with myself and have been telling anyone who stands still near me long enough.
I've also started my Xmas shopping online. I did most of my Xmas shopping online last year, and intend to do the same this year. Much less stressful.
And even better news - my lovely little Maggie cat has returned home. She has been away for the summer - and returned to us this week. I think shes been living with a rich family as she's put on a lot of weight. But, she obviously decided that life wasn't all about food, well either that or the posh family don't have heating.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
School Application Forms
I don't know if this was the right decision to make, but I figured they'd contact us again if they felt it necessary.
I don't really know how I feel about letting them know we intend to HE come compulsory school age. Part of me wants to be upfront and if necessary confrontational about it, the other part just wants to be left alone.
What will be - will be...
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Sunday, 4 November 2007
We went to Abbey Park (Leicester) bonfire night. It was absolutely brilliant. The fireworks were awesome! Unfortunately being to awestruck to take photos - I have none to share, so you'll just have to believe me. It was a real WOW! Stunning. They had some that came down on little parachutes and some that exploded into circles within circles within circles. It was the best fireworks display by a very long way that I have ever been to - and I'm a real firework freak!
MA and LA thought so too. LA got a little bored - it did last a while, but she says that she enjoyed it this morning. MA took a friend and they had a good time.
BA apparently turned up to - but we didn't see him -there were lots of people!
This afternoon - its glitter time. We'll be making fireworks pictures and wearing glitter for the rest of the week!
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
This morning we painted some Halloween pictures to cut out and stick around the door. LA mixed the orange without instruction from red and yellow - I was impressed!
Then we played Boggle - well, sort of Boggle. I found the game lurking upstairs on the bookcase, it belongs to BA, but I think he considers it too educational to be fun, so we "borrowed" it.
We shook the alphabet dice and picked a topic. Then we had to find related words starting with the letters shown. LA did really well, although she did invent a few words to win - but they started with the correct sound...
Then the post lady brought us some "proper" dice from eBay and we played with these for a while. LA was able to add the numbers together, which I thought she might find challenging - but as usual I was wrong.
After this I got distracted by the computer for a while, so we followed this by giving LA a bath to get the orange paint out of her hair! :-)
This afternoon we carved (chopped, scrapped and swore at) our pumpkin - well, squash. He has a very un-scary smiley face as dictated by LA.
The teddy bears were fed Pizza whether they wanted it or not and LA typed my shopping list out for me.
This evening we had a lot of friendly happy Trick and Treaters, who happily took the tiny packets of sweets LA offered them.
Unfortunately, LA decided to eat some of them and being so tiny, I made the mistake of thinking it would be ok. But no, since then we have had several food additive related tantrums and confusion.
She has gone to bed now, so here's hoping tomorrow will be calm and the additives left her system. I admit it has surprised me how little it takes to upset her.
To quote every teacher I ever had: "Julie must try harder".
And to all our Pagan friends:
"Happy Halloween" never seems an appropriate phrase, so here's hoping that all of you who have experienced grief find comfort and solace in this time of year and may your loved ones experience peace wherever they may be.
Blessed Be.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Brave - because I'll never get medals for being Mrs Sociable, in fact I'll never even be nominated. It's not that I'm awkward or shy, it's just that I am comfortable with me and forget that I "should" talk to others.
Anyhow, it was good. LA and I felt very welcome. But we left our lunch on the stairs at home (as you do) ...so we left early.
However, I learnt something today about LA.
LA doesn't need friends at the moment. I thought she did - I thought that the reason she had so many invisible friends (Jake, Milo, Bella, Fizz, Judy, Max and Doodles, and Razziedazzie and Jamie, and Gran...) was that she was lonely and longing for company.
I now realise that she lives in her own world - because she chooses to. She is capable of chatting and playing with other children - but she prefers the world that she can control. She's not yet at that stage of being able to happily play a game according to others "rules". She panics and runs back to me.
She's a serious gentle little soul, who gets genuinely upset when other people treat their dollies and teddies badly - so maybe she feels safer in the imaginary world where she can keep things safe.
So I will stop worrying and continue to give her opportunities to play with other people.
I will also try really really hard not to get to frustrated when Jake and Bella refuse to walk up the road and we have to wait for them.
Things that make me go...Grrrr
2. The mother in the car with all the windows shut in the car park, smoking. Her 3 children sitting patiently breathing in carcinogenic smoke in the back.
3. The father on the underground last week, who got so so so excessively angry because his young son kissed the window.
4. My dog barking and demanding to come back in, when she's just demanded to go out.
5. My colleagues at work who think that "hot desking" is an excuse to loose all manners and dump my coat, bag and work papers on top of a filing cabinet, close my work on the computer and log me off because I leave the room for 5 minutes. Just because the desk I'm using is by the window, and they prefer it to the other unoccupied ones. OHHH this one makes me SO mad - I can feel my anger rising just writing it.
6. Getting so stressed about a desk. Especially when number 3 was almost to the point of physical violence.
Monday, 29 October 2007
Rich took LA and myself to London for a couple of days last week. We stayed in a very nice 4 * hotel in the Docklands and had a lovely time.
I'm not really a city girl, but it was a good choice of location considering we had LA with us. We also didn't do any of those "grown up" things that adults do when they visit the big city, such as seeing a show, or dining in posh restaurants and drinking fine wine.
No, we toured the sites via the underground (Underground Ernie - obviously) and taxi and ate in "as much as you can eat for a fiver" places.
But don't think this lessened the charm - grabbing hot chestnuts on the street was excellent, the hallucinating lady on the underground was fascinating and the airport just across from our hotel was a wonderful distraction for LA.
I'll post some pictures later.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
I don't know why, there seems to be no reason.
I don't think that anyone around me has noticed, as I'm able to get on with life as usual.
But when I stop - I'm sad, sometimes to the point of tears.
I've been trying the obvious - "don't stop" strategy, but it's not working for me.
Hey ho...
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Grumpies at Bumpi's
"Yes, ok then, I don't see why not"
Into the car pile an exhausted Mum and over excited 3 year old.
We lasted 40 minutes.
From the moment the shoes came off, the moaning and crying started.
Nothing was right - the slides were too high, the bricks too crowded, the climbing too scary and the other children kept bumping her
Even exhausted Mum tried to play - but not LA.
So we gave up and came home.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Silly Billy
LA enjoyed herself (so did Rich and I), and made several loud comments about the play "Shoes don't dance!" - which we took as good proof that she was happy.
We are thinking of trying to get seats for "Lazy Town" in April next year.
Unfortunately I don't think she's quite up to sitting through a Panto this year. Shame, I love Panto - still it will be fun next year (oh no it won't!).
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Showing off
I warn you - show off mode is about to be turned on.....
Still here? Oh well, don't say you weren't warned!
LA is remarkable. I'm her Mum and obviously I'm going to think that. But she is...honest!
I remember when she was born, a friend of ours took one look at her and said "She's been here before this one". Obviously I thought she was bonkers and changed the subject, but over the last 3 1/2 years, those words have frequently revisited.
LA is remarkable. She knows things she shouldn't. She knows things we have never told her. She knows things and she knows she knows them.
She has always surprised us with her knowledge. She has been able to write the letters for several months. She is teaching herself to read. She knows her numbers up to 100 and beyond. She knows what ingredients you need to make a cake and biscuits. She knows different types of flowers and trees. She knows so so so much.
But this morning was amazing.
She was happily typing out my shopping list on the computer. I had just told her we needed milk, when the phone rang. When I returned - she had written "milk" and was waiting for the next item.
I looked for her older siblings (where were they? Hiding on the stairs?) who had obviously told her how to spell "Milk".
No, they were both at college.
She is a sponge, absorbing the word around her silently and without comment most of the time. She surprises me so much with her knowledge and confidence. I know that compared with reading and learning to write, managing to spell the word "Milk" without help isn't really remarkable - but the confidence she does it with is.
I don't believe that she "has been here before", it just doesn't fit in with my belief system. But I can see why people would believe that.
It makes me realise how right our decision to home educate her is. She doesn't need a teacher, she can manage without.
I don't remember seeing this innate desire to learn in my older children, but maybe, sadly, I just wasn't looking.
Rota -man is currently organising the Xmas rota. He's a very nice man, we like rota-man. (Do you hear me Rota-man??? We think you're nice! Don't disappoint us!)
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
"For the best"
And then I walked into the very situation at playschool the next morning.
A room full of upset children crying, screaming and demanding to stay with their Mum/Dad/Gran. Pleading not to be left. A room full of Mums/Dads/Grans with tears in their eyes, trying so hard not to let the children know. Heart wrenching chaos.
LA and I stood there bewildered. Not knowing what to say, but wanting to shout "take them home", "Follow those instincts, they are telling you how to act, Listen to them".
LA didn't understand why everyone was so upset - she's never been upset about playschool as I only take her when she wants to go. She couldn't understand why these children had to stay and why their Mums were being so nasty and not taking them home.
LA had a point - maybe not the best time to express it...or maybe it was. If it makes these people think a little about why they are so keen to ignore their instincts and follow what they believe society dictates they do, then good.
However, these are the same Mums who don't talk to me, who ignore me on a weekly basis, having decided (I think) that I'm not like them, I don't belong. So chances are - LAs comments will be seen in that context.
The playschool ladies came out and physically removed these children from their Mums (etc), escalating the screaming (LA trotted in happily). Assuring them as usual all would be well in 10 minutes when they had gone. So a crowd of tearful parents exited the building "for the best".
I really want to tell these people - I want to say "yes they may be ok in 10 minutes, but when you come back tomorrow (yes these people put their children in playschool 5 mornings a week) it will all start again. So why do you do it? Isn't it clear to you, the pain you are causing your child?"
But of course, its "for the best" - in 2 years time these little babes will be school age - so better get used to it now. Oh and when else could Mum get her nails done?
Monday, 1 October 2007
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Playschool (again)
LA goes to playschool in the local hall twice a week.
I have positive and negative thoughts and feelings about this; when I'm feeling positive I think that it's an opportunity for her to meet people and have new experiences. When I'm more negative, I think it's a waste of time which could be better used, I think that she is being exposed to situations that I'd rather she wasn't (other kids tempers, for example), I think that they are inadvertently pushing the message that "big school is next".
On the whole I tend to feel that the positives at least equal the negatives.
However, since the start of term this has changed.
The group has started to take in 2-year-olds. Now this could be my bias, in that I believe people that small should be in a safe homely environment not knocking around with 20 other children in a church hall with 4 adults. But hey, each to their own.
So to my own... I find that I am not particularly happy about LA spending her time in this environment, and it is the small people that are causing my discomfort, although arguably it could just be me.
They play outside a whole lot more, which is good, except that the games they play are targeted at the tiny ones and LA doesn't find them fun or challenging. When she does a drawing, someone will scribble on it. The other day she was doing a jigsaw and a little one took all of her pieces away.
Obviously none of this is malicious, but it does build up to a frustrated LA.
I fully understand the playschools point of view, if they didn't take 2 year olds they would have to close as the local school now takes all the 4 year olds in September.
I wish they didn't - it's obvious when you step back and look at it. Unhappy 2 year olds, who want their Mums and bored and frustrated 3 year olds who want their playschool back.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
"It's raining!" says Little Acorn
"Where is the rain coming from?" I ask
"It comes from the clouds Mummy" is the reply
So off we go to get our breakfast, when suddenly over the top of the cornflakes box comes...
"Mummy, how does the rain get into the clouds?"
Err, Ummm, yes well, that'll teach me to ask questions before breakfast!
So how do you explain the water cycle to a 3 year old?
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
What haven't we talked about??
But, I'll recall a few (it would be a pointless blog entry if I didn't...)
We have discussed gravity - when LA lay on the floor and tried to drink her juice.
We talked about blood, when LA's blister burst and bled all over her bed. She needs new shoes, but they will have to wait until payday next week. From here we had a lovely chat about various bodily fluids!
We talked about how some children didn't have Mums, and some did have Mums but they didn't live with them.
Then in the car we talked about petrol and fuel making things go. Somehow from here we then got onto electricity, which led to why we should turn off the TV when we go out...which in turn led onto lots of eco-issues (a frequent topic in our house)... and how we have to look after the Earth.
This led to a discussion about Autumn, and the coming equinox, what it means and how we are going to celebrate it.
She's only 3... will I be able to keep up when she's 5?
Monday, 17 September 2007
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Happy 18th Big
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Big,
Happy Birthday to you.
Big Acorn, our first born, is 18 today!!
He's lovely.
Busy Busy Busy
We have had good fun though. I've restarted my family tree research as I do this time of year, and to kick it all off I'm revamping my website, so that has got my brain working again.
Work has been less stressful recently, I don't know if it's just that I've adjusted my attitude to it or if we are just working better as a team. I have also been asked to do the rota next year, which I'm pleased about. I like new things to do, and as it's something I have done in my previous jobs, I know I can do it.
LA and I went to Abbey Park in Leicester during the week, they have opened a new play area so we thought we would go explore...
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Health Visitors
It strikes me as very ironic that from the age of 1 when she had her last HV check up, until she becomes 5, no-one has monitored or even considered that we may be treating her badly. Then wham - when she passes that magic age of 5 - we either have to send her to school or be "monitored" at home. What damage can't happen to a child between 1and 4 that can happen at 5?? As a Mental Health Nurse, I'm very aware of the damage that can be done to children at any age.
Another ridiculous situation!
Don't get me wrong, we don't want or need a HV to tell us that we are doing fine. Just as we won't want a LA bod telling us how we are doing. Its just bizarre that the smallest members of our society, the very most vulnerable are now having less input and therefore less protection than their older friends.
Anyway - we filled the bits of their silly questionnaire in that we felt like filling in, ignored those questions that we didn't like (such as "Which school is she registered with?") and sent it back.
I seriously doubt we will hear from them, which makes me (personally) feel happy and (professionally) rather sad all at the same time.
Saturday, 8 September 2007
The Childrens story
Intrigued, I tracked it down online here:
Scary stuff.
Thursday, 6 September 2007
GSCEs, AS, Uniforms and other stuff.
BA got 2 Cs and 2 E's in his AS levels, and is now carrying on to do 3 A2's. He "hates school", but at least the end is in sight.
LA is still jogging along happily with the world. She is testing new words out at the moment - yesterday she informed me that it was "hilarious" that the apples and grapes were in the fruit bowl...before that it was "incredible" that the Tweenies were on the TV.
3 year olds - aren't they great?
Our local primary school has introduced a compulsory uniform this year. Everywhere I look there's tiny people trying to look smart and behave themselves. Then I look at LA and think "Phew", how lucky we are, not to have to play that game.
What is the point of uniforms anyway? To stop the "fashionable" kids picking on the unfashionable ones apparently. It doesn't take much thought to realise that a school uniform is not going to do that, not unless we force them to wear them 24/7, and then insist that they all buy them from the same place.
No I honestly think that school uniform is a control issue. "You belong to us". Much like a military uniform - "You are one of us, you are not independent". How far is that from "You will not have free thought" or am I paranoid?
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
The Dark....
So, I'll put the light on then...
Friday, 24 August 2007
Exploring Leicestershire
On Wednesday we had a great day out in Market Harborough. Its a little market town in the South of Leicestershire, a beautiful town with lots of tiny "arty" type shops.
Thursday we went to Western Park in Leicester. We hadn't been for many years, not since BA ran in races with his primary school there. It was another little treasure that we had forgotten about. The play area is great and there's plenty to do. LA stood up for her rights to use the slide in the face of 2 very bossy little girls (who must have been at least 6 and they must have seemed "big" to her) who told her that she was too small to use the slide. "I'm not small, I'm big" she told them. Unfortunately they were determined not to let her play and took to blocking her way, so we had to put them right! It was good to see LA standing up to them though.
From the park we went on to the EcoHouse. We had been meaning to visit for many years, but it was one of those things we had never got round to. It was very interesting and we have come away with some ideas on how to make our lifestyle even more green than it already is.
And today, we've been working in the garden. Tomorrow, unfortunately I have to go back to work...
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Playing, Learning and Pondering.
During the last month I have been acutely aware that we do a lot more playing than learning...well, at least learning in the sense that I think of it.
I think I am going to have to adjust my attitude, as I know that as we play, we learn. I also know that LA is only 3 and she's "supposed" to be playing. So it's not that I'm anxious about it at all. I think its just, as I say, an increased awareness - probably brought about by pondering and reading around the topic of learning.
It is strange isn't it, how you worry when you feel you are under achieving, even though you know you're not.
Then just lately I've had the opposite worry in complete contrast to what I just wrote above. LA loves to draw and write, she knows a lot and wants to learn all the time. When I stopped worrying about us playing all the time I realised what a lot she already knows and how desperate she is to know more!!
Then of course, I worried that I was a "pushy mother"...
Wimps and Twin Lakes
So we have decided to have a look at the things that go on locally, we have never made it to many of the local attractions in the 18 years we've lived here...so it's about time we did.
So to start us off, we spent the day at Twin Lakes, a junior Theme Park near Melton Mowbray, LA, MA, Rich and I.
On the big bumpy slides:
Paddling on the Lake:
and getting cold!!!
(Thanks MA for donating your jacket to the "Get LA warm" appeal.)
LA finally found the courage to go on a ride during the afternoon, and went on the train and the caterpillar ride with her big sister.
We came home exhausted, but will have to go back as we haven't managed see everything.
Monday, 20 August 2007
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Thursday, 9 August 2007
The Acorns Go Camping in Suffolk
Big and Middle Acorn didn't want to come, so we only had our Little Acorn with us, which was great as it meant we weren't torn between all the different things everyone wants to do.
The weather was a vast improvement on last week and it only rained once.
We stayed on a camp site near Dunwich, a fascinating little place that is falling slowly but surely into the sea, with a great little museum. I think we'll have to go back when Little Acorn is bigger, it certainly covers the topics of erosion and long shore drift very dramatically!!!
Our new tent turned out to be the size of an aircraft hanger, so much so that we have invited the "other 2" to come with us when The Acorns Go Camping Again... next week.
Saturday, 4 August 2007
Our Holiday Blog
We set off at 5.30 am hoping to miss the majority of the traffic, but got stuck an hour later when we discovered the M5 had been closed due to flooding.
Floods? We knew nothing of floods, (too busy packing to listen to the news) so foolishly tried to divert via Evesham. Not the best of plans...
...we eventually managed to get back on the reopened M5 and arrived late and somewhat hassled at our apartment in Penzance.
We had a lovely relaxing week, with not too many disagreements:
I DON'T DO PHOTO'S....so there is none of me...
We spent much of the week on the beach, although the weather wasn't brilliant.
On Friday we went to the Eden Project:
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Back again...
We had a lovely break in Penzance, despite the weather, I'll blog it later this week.
We returned home to news that our neighbour has died and a relative has received a diagnosis of cancer. Its definitely put a full stop to that holiday feeling for me - hence postponing the holiday blogging...
...still to look on the bright side, all our cats are here - they haven't gone off to interview new owners like they normally do when we return from our travels, only a little bit of the garden has been eaten by slugs, we haven't been burgled, we are not flooded and Charley has been evicted from Big Brother.
Friday, 20 July 2007
Still here...but going...
BA and MA have been off school for a week and are bored already...
LA and I took MA to a HE group Monday, it went well. It followed her spending 2 weeks in a Primary school on work experience, she doesn't appear to be so anti HE now...
Today (Friday) Rich has taken Holly the Collie to my Mums in Suffolk for her annual holiday. And here at Acorn Central we are preparing to leave for our holiday, probably our last family holiday ever. We are off to Penzance (or "Mens Pants" as MA calls it) for a week. We are hoping for peace - but our past history on family holidays doesn't bode well for this...
...back next week...
Saturday, 14 July 2007
BA and college
Rich has spoken to the head of year, who was equally as unsympathetic to BA's exhaustion as the women I spoke to. They went on to insist that he had to get next years project work in by the following day (!!!!), even though he was not intending to take that subject next year... and if he didn't he wouldn't be allowed back in school.
Well poor BA sat up to 3 am finishing the pointless project, put it on a flash drive and took it into school the next morning. The laptop he was given had no power and died, corrupting his files... so he lost his work.
So he came home...and now has the summer wondering if he's allowed back at school.
They make me fume, how dare they treat him like that. He says he's "not bothered" if they kick him out, he'll find somewhere else or do something else, he's just grateful its the summer holidays and they can't nag him anymore. Me too.
Monday, 9 July 2007
Work was ok over the weekend, but accompanied by news of more ward closures in my Trust.
MA has been to Brussells on a school trip and returned exhausted this evening.
LA has remained in her "I want everything NOW" mood, accompanied by an attitude that any dictator in history would be proud of.
BA is struggling with school, he's almost 18 and had enough. He took his AS levels this year and his school has expected him to go directly from all the stress associated with this, straight back into doing his A2 coursework. He's exhausted both physically and mentally - but get a break? No hope!! I ignored the fact he didn't go to school today, but they 'phoned and told me that "exhaustion" wasn't a good enough reason!! Rich is going to call them tomorrow...
Thursday, 5 July 2007
Tropical Bird Land
It began promisingly, with cute snowy owls to look at before we got to the entrance, and the man in front of us had a little bird on his shoulder, as we paid. However, about 5 minutes in, LA was scared of the free flying parrots (They were about the same size as her, with HUGE beaks) and refused to do anything. So we sat and discussed the problem and she eventually decided she would try again to look at some of the caged birds. There were some really beautiful birds, and an absolutely gorgeous eagle owl. However, she was very concerned about the parrots! So we handed our unopened bag of bird food back in, and left.
I think we will have to try again when she's older.
This morning LA refused to go to playschool again. She wanted to come to Tescos with me instead! So shopping it was, but I'm not sure how playschool are going to take this. Will they understand that strange mother who doesn't take her daughter kicking and screaming to playschool when she doesn't want to go? Somehow, I doubt it! It does seem to be expected that children will be made to go, with an attitude of "its for your own good" and both Mum and child end up stressed and unhappy. Seems a little daft to me now, but I do remember with guilt doing the same several years ago, when MA was refusing to go to school.
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
BA speaks out
...as I keep telling him, I was ignorant, I thought children had to attend school, I didn't know that there was an option.
Middle Acorns Work Experience
This is one of those situations which could go either way – she’ll either see only the benefits of a school education or see the real issues.
One of her first comments on arriving home last night was, “I agree with you now Mum, I can see why you don’t want to send LA to school. They don’t do anything.”
She has 2 weeks on this placement…so it’s a good start.
We changed from the wonderful “absolutely no trouble in 7 years” Tiscali to TalkTalk 2 weeks ago, because the promises were good and the cost was less. Since this time we have had 4 faults with our connection and have been without a telephone for 4 days and an internet connection for 8. Even with my primitive maths skills I can work out that it’s not good.
Rich finally managed to get through to their “higher level” technical support yesterday, so we remain hopeful that it will all be solved today.
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Redecorated to celebrate the end of June
I'm not sure about the colours, I don't think its too bright. It looks really pale on my laptop, but very loud on Richs desktop....
This month we have put time and effort into thinking hard about HE. We have informed the playschool LA attends and been to a HE group.
We have also played very very hard:
We had Yellow pox, which we quickly recovered from.
We have been out and about, almost every day. We visited our usual places such as the library, supermarket, playschool and tumbletots as well as braving a car boot sale, a museum, a HE group, an indoor playground, the local gala, the swimming pool....
We've been gluey and sticky several times, we've baked and baked, and we've eaten so many playdough biscuits.
Tomorrow it's July, and hopefully it will stop raining soon.
Friday, 29 June 2007
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Sticking and Gluing
So I gave her a bowl to wash her hands in, which led predictably to LA doing her Dolly's washing.
There was a lot of washing, Dolly's can be very dirty creatures. When the washing was done it was followed (naturally) by this:
When Rich got in from work, BA, MA and I ran away to do some shopping. We had a good discussion about how everyones childhood is different, even siblings, and how parents treat different children differently and the pros and cons of that. For example BA had his Mum at home 24/7 until he was almost 3, but his Dad was away a lot working. MA had to share her Mum and Dad with BA from the start, went to a childminders part-time with BA from the age of 1 and went to Nursery full time at the age of 3. But then she remained the baby of the family until she was 12 when LA arrived.
However, we agreed that every child does have a very different experience, and none of them is necessarily wrong.
My children are all lovely people, I am a very lucky person.
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Dinosaurs and Masks
We had a good time, and we will go back.
I'm now pondering on if I should claim the funding for LAs playschool place next year. I have been reading on various newsgroups that the LEA use the information to trace children "missing from education". I don't know how friendly Leicestershire LEA are to Home Educators, so I'm feeling a little lost. It's not that I want to hide from them at all really, I'm not very keen on the idea - I'd rather be open and honest about it, but that assumes that they aren't going to be awful.
You don't let the lions know where you are hiding, do you?
Monday, 25 June 2007
Saturday, Sunday and Monday...
After daily calls, they have finally fixed the broadband, but we still have Marks number...and he still doesn't know...should we tell him?
On Sunday we went to the Summer Solstice open ritual up on Beacon Hill in Leicestershire. The rain stayed away for a few hours and the sun raised his eyebrow and blessed us all with a little smile. LA had a lovely time, playing with her friend AA, climbing "the mountain" and chatting constantly.
Today (Monday) we ventured to a HE group. It was a bit of a journey - but worth it. I can now report that people who HE their children are perfectly "normal" - honest! This is a fact I will be able to use against those people who tell me that HE children aren't "normal". Oh yes they are! They laugh, shout, scream, play, chat, grump, run and giggle just like other kids.
I have to admit, this was a relief - I am sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone, just to declare my ignorance. I had heard so many tales of HE children not "being like other children" that it was such a relief to find "Normal People".
We had a lovely time, LA had fun running and playing and I enjoyed meeting all the Mums. (If you were there, and reading this - yes it means you! I just can't remember anybodies name)We will be back, possibly after we've changed TumbleTots to a different day, but we will definitely come again.
Our new tent has arrived for our holiday and its Payday on Thursday, things are looking up!
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Unconditional Parenting
So I asked them - bemused though they were....
...and now I'm a very happy Mummy, because my 2 big kids, had absolutely no doubts at all that I had always loved them no matter what. Were they telling me what they thought I wanted to hear? They did initially ask if that's the answer I wanted - but when told I wanted to hear the truth - they couldn't come up with a single situation when they felt I hadn't loved them. So even if they felt it at the time - it certainly wasn't long lasting.
What more could I want?
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Playing at School
I admit I find it worrying. And then I find the fact that I find it worrying, worrying. and then - well, you get the idea...
What am I going to do if she wants to go to school? Do we just let her? After all this reading about Home Education, I will fret about her being at school so young and I will regret all the missed opportunities. I know I can give her more.
I might not take her to playschool for the next few weeks - but she really enjoys it - so I'll have to find a good replacement, if I do that and I'll have to pay! The playschool is understandably preparing the older children to start school next term, and I think she's picking up on this.
Oh we are nowhere near starting this yet - but its so so stressful.
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Cheers mate!
I love you too!
Monday, 18 June 2007
The News is Good, Bad, Good...
I left LA there (D's not bed...), while I went to a funeral of a friends little baby boy. A strange experience to go directly from joy to despair. It was a beautiful funeral, the parents were very dignified.
I didn't envy the vicar though - trying to explain why God would do such an unthinkable thing. I'm not a Christian, so this felt rather strange to me, as though he was afraid that this dreadful experience would reflect badly on his "company".
But - I simply don't "get" Christianity at all - so maybe his words were a comfort to those who do. Who am I to judge?
Then from the despair back to the joy, to pick up LA and on to Tumble Tots.
Back home there followed one of those discussions with Middle Acorn about "Souls". I believe that the souls of those that have died are "absorbed" by those that love them and so they live on. I do not believe in Heaven or Hell, or reincarnation. MA believes in reincarnation. So a great discussion there. I love these in-depth talks with my almost-an-adult daughter. We've done a good job there, she makes me proud.
And HE? Well, after the declaration last week that he thought LA should go to school, Rich has arrived back at where he started. We both agree that LA will not be going to school next year (the non-mandatory year) and we will use it to see what we can achieve at home, before making the final decision. I think its me having the doubts now...
Good News, Bad News...
Sunday, 17 June 2007
I was going to blog...
I know what I want to write, but the words aren't there.
I'll try again tomorrow.
Saturday, 16 June 2007
I've tried everything I can think of - even scare tactics, but to no avail. I understand that she thinks shes indestructible, so I've tried the "It really upsets me" tactic as well, but no good - - she either isn't capable of retaining the information or understanding what I'm saying. She always says sorry, and will list all the things I've told her - but her behaviour doesn't change.
Is my only option to go back to the wrist-strap?
Ideas on a postcard please....
Not got much time to blog this week, life is being a bit poo.
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Who taught her to swim???
We started well, we've banned the TV until 4pm as LA has taken to putting it on first thing in the morning and spending the day vegetating in front of it ( I take responsibility for letting her, but we are back on course now).
We sorted out all Big Acorn and Middle Acorns children's books and put them on LAs shelves in the conservatory. Some are much too old for her, but I think its good to have them available (books without pictures that is). Then we had a big hunt for LAs swimming costume - its vanished into the void, so off to Asda to find another. A bargain at £2.50!!
LA has been swimming all of 3 times, but has the courage of a warrior in the water. Today, with the help of armbands she was swimming. Gobsmacked - me?? Oh yes! Where did she learn that??
She just kept jumping deeper and deeper into the water until she couldn't touch the bottom, then stretched out and swam...this child never fails to amaze me!
Monday, 11 June 2007
The Invisible Gran
Sometimes she goes out for the day or she's not very well so she can't come here. She doesn't work, but she has a dog which she walks. A white dog. She always wears a dress and a hat and she smells funny.
She's very wise, and often suggests that LA apologises for things such as writing on the wall or spilling her drink on the carpet. She will even sit down and look at a book with LA. Sometimes she knows where things are that we've spent hours looking for.
Although I've never heard her speak, I think she must be quite old, because the words LA learns from her are very dated and the games are quite old fashioned.
I was secretly watching LA earlier, as Mums do, when Gran popped in. LA was watching TV, she suddenly looked round "Oh Hello Gran" she said smiling, then turned back to the TV.
When I tell people about her, they get chills down their backs, but she's never done that to us.
I used to think Gran was a imaginary friend but I'm not certain anymore.
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Catch up again
Friday, 8 June 2007
The rules are simple…Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The
rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are
listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their
names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know
that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
8 facts about me? I don't know if there are that many... but I'll try...
1. I'm 40 in October. I'm finding this thought oddly disturbing as I'm sure its my Mum who is 40, not me!!
2. I am a Druid. Despite having a Christian upbringing, it always felt like someone elses hat to me, never quite fitted properly. So I explored my own beliefs, then one day I discovered Druidry and it was exactly the same as my own beliefs...
3. I work as a "Mental Health Practitioner" in Leicestershire. I am a qualified Mental Health Nurse. Mostly I enjoy my work, but watching the NHS fall apart over the last few years has been very disturbing.
4. I became a Mental Health Nurse because as a teenager I thought I was going mad. I thought the best way to beat the system and avoid being locked up would be to know the system. I no longer believe I am "mad" but I appreciate that its a very short walk away for most of us. I am a very good nurse, it was the right decision.
5. I once buried my hibernating gerbil as I thought it was dead. It died.
6. I dread the day my children leave home.
7. I love watching Dr Who and Big Brother. I don't watch anything else apart from the occasional glimpse of Cbeebies.
8. I belong to a gym, but I haven't been for the last month.
I tag (with apologies to anyone annoyed by tags) :
Tammy (Quietly making noise)
Penny (When did I become a hippy)
Little Star Homeschool
Green House by the Sea
Going against the Flow
...don't know of anyone else yet that hasn't already been tagged. So that will have to do...there really was no hope of me totally conforming to this was there? Actually, I'm surprised anyone does, the Home Ed community I've seen so far, doesn't seem very good at doing what its told!!
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Yellow Pox


It was very contagious....

Luckily we all recovered quickly and we went for a walk at Brocks Hill Country Park in Oadby. We saw baby moorhens, a Water vole (I thought it was a rat - but CBeebies has since educated me and I am now much more knowledgeable in the difference between rats and water voles....) and lots of birds. We appreciated the carvings and had good fun in the play area.
Big Acorn had his last AS today, so he is relaxing now. Middle Acorn starts her GCSEs on Friday (just a few as its a year early), so the revision continues.
Monday, 4 June 2007
Bring on the cold flannel
Actually, apart from being daunted by the size of it, we did enjoy ourselves (You can gather from this that our previous experiences of Car Boot Sales have not been pleasant can't you???).
We bought a couple of books and jigsaws for LA, some cucumber plants to replace the ones that last weeks frost killed 2 days after we put them out and a sweet pepper plant to complement the several hundred chilli pepper plants we appear to be growing in the kitchen!
LA had a wonderful time, she had an ice cream (a real treat) and spent a happy 30minutes on the bouncy castles.
In the afternoon, I had to work. I spoke to my boss about last weeks happenings, and to cut a long story short, it is all now sorted.
We are still so understaffed, I didn't get home until well past midnight, even though my shift was supposed to end at 10pm.
Today, I have been rather sleepy, due to the late hour I got home. LA has been playing up, I think she has seized the opportunity to cause chaos.
We have been to Tumble Tots and since we've been home she has continued with her "Look at me" behaviour. She has poured a yoghurt drink all over herself and the sofa and is now demanding a bath.
No hope! I'm not giving into that sort of behaviour. Its a nice cold wash with a flannel for you my girl!!
Maybe I'll try that myself as well...it might wake me up.
Saturday, 2 June 2007
On a downer
It started badly, my first day back at work after a week off. A week in which I had achieved very little as it rained all week. I got into work to discover that my boss had changed all the decisions I made before I went on holiday. Some of these were trivial, but some were very important (that's VERY important...VERY VERY - I'm a Mental Health Nurse and some of the decisions I make with the people I visit are VERY important and rely on trust) and I remain very worried about some of these, even as I sit here trying not to think of work.
Why would he do that anyway???
Anyhow - finished work and came home to find Rich and little acorn had spent the morning making models - excellent.
However, he then declares that he has been speaking to Middle Acorn and thinks she may be right and Little Acorn should go to school...
Thursday, 31 May 2007
This was May...
Here is what we did this month:
Birthday !!!

Nanny and Grandad Bill came up to spend the day with us.
We all had a very lovely day.
A few days later LA had a party and Sophie, Joseph, Scarlet, Libby and Morgan came. We played pass the parcel and musical bumps and had another fantastic day.
Then the next week we went to Josephs party, and we had fun on the bouncy castle.
Farm Park


We spent a very sunny day at the Farm Park. Looking at and feeding all the lambs, goats, ponies and ducks. And playing on the playground too...
Sticking and Gluing

And finally,

And as parents we have made the decision not to send LA to school next year, and to look seriously at the possibility of HE following that.
For me, it was a huge relief and a very big scary decision, but having made it, I also end the month calm and happy.
Peace returns
I think I may have finally convinced Rich that LA has a problem with aspartame...although, please don't hold your breath, he is a man and as such will probably require further proof before he is totally convinced. Big and middle acorn need no further proof, I don't think they will be trying to smuggle in sweeties for LA anytime soon.
LA is now playing happily with water, pouring and splashing and smiling.
Middle Acorn has got a job at the local chippy. She seems to be enjoying it. I am very proud, as she has dyscalculia and really struggles with numbers - but she's managing to work the till and work out the change.
Big Acorn has been revising all day for his Biology AS on Monday, his "worse" subject, then its History on Wednesday and its all over for another year.
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Stickers, Aspartame and Hair
Could we find them? No hope. Every other thing you can imagine in a sticker - but squares, triangles and circles? Nowhere. If anyone knows where I can get some from - please let me know!!!
Then we went to Subways for lunch. Rich decided that it would be a good idea to let Little Acorn have some fizzy drink, I negotiated the cola to lemonade - but I knew I should just have put my foot down and said NO! We have had a distressed manic little girl all afternoon.
She appears to have several "foods" that she cannot eat - all of them contain dodgy chemicals. Aspartame is particularly bad - it always makes her mood miserable and her behaviour hyper.
Food additives and colourings seem to have the same effect. When kindly Nanny slips her some sweeties, we have dreadful trouble.
Its not usually an issue, because we don't really eat food with additives in at home.
Then we went to the hairdressers, LA has only ever been once before and found the whole thing very exciting - unfortunately at that point in time it was too much for her and she flung herself on the floor and threw a full scale tantrum the moment we walked in - her first tantrum ever.
Eventually she had her haircut and while we waited for her big brother to have his cut, she ran round and round and round the hairdressers, shouting. She was calmed down by a long extended cuddle, which seemed to remind her that she was safe and we played "i-spy" for 30 minutes.
When we got home, she threw her dinner across the table and went to sit alone on the hall. She let me join her and we talked about how she was feeling angry and sad and confused, and how she was running around and getting very angry. We talked about fizzy drinks and sweeties and how they made her feel this way and how we would try to avoid them in the future and be like Sporticus and eat Sports Candy.
I suspect we are in for a long long night...
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
At the front of our house...
OK so that's not quite what the neighbours call it, but nonetheless, it is.
Our entire road is concrete hell, all the front gardens have been paved over to make way for the compulsory 3-4 cars each house has. But our front garden is green from the front border to the house.
We also have a pond that is swarming with life. Its only diddy, our garden is only about 30ft square, and our pond is about 5ft by 4ft, but we counted 54 frogs in it last year. We have the occasional newt looking back at us, and bugs by the million.
We can't see the road, there are too many trees and bushes blocking the way, its a beautiful wall of green.
Concrete has an advantage though (not that we'd even consider it), you don't have to cut it. Today we have been cutting back the Hawthorn (Ouch), Ivy (itch) and Honeysuckle that is threatening to overthrow us in some kind of ecological military coup.
The ivy had already made its way through the double glazing in the hall... so it needed to be stopped!!
Little Acorn has been marvelling at all the wildlife this has turned up, spiders, woodlice, ladybirds, earwigs, things with far too many legs and threatening looking beetles (why do they carry a shield if they are not expecting a fight??).
We have discovered mice in the garage (we have 5 cats...who have now been placed on "find it yourself" rations), a big fat toad and hedgehogs.
How did they all get here? They must have survived the trek across the concrete jungle to the safety of our garden.
We have also talked about the rhubarb, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, black and red currants, beans, tomatoes, Hazel nuts and herbs herbs herbs that we have growing there.
Aside from that, while Dads been building his shed, we have been to the library. We listened to the stories and poems, and got some more books. We've listened to happy music and sad music (as identified by little acorn) and talked about accents. We live in Leicestershire, but I was born in Suffolk and Rich in Kent, so we don't have local accents and it has been noted!!!
Monday, 28 May 2007
Disempowerment (I rant on...)
I went to comment - then realised my comment would be more of a take over bid than a comment, so I'll post it here.
I drive a lot in my job, and as well as looking at the wonderful views I get to look at the back of a lot of lorrys, so I think a lot... and recently I have been pondering the fabric of society...oh yes, deep thinking...
I was thinking about breastfeeding (not that I do that anymore), but it's one of those topics that people seek me out to talk about, along with the moon, giving birth, and psychosis.
Anyhow, there I was pondering breastfeeding and this image of shelves in a supermarket with pasteurised human milk struck me squarely between the eyes.
Isn't it odd, how unacceptable that image is.
Yet, we feed our young milk from cows everyday. Milk that is designed for cows is acceptable, Milk that is designed for humans is disgusting.
and so I pondered on...
I breastfed my little one for 2 1/2 years. At the end, I had a lot of pressure put on me to stop by my family and I kept it secret from the rest of the world. So back to the imagery then... if it is so disgusting for a human to feed their young then we need to stop all other mammals doing so too. Stop those little lambs helping themselves to their mothers milk, stop those calves from sucking , ban the boob, the udder and all other mammary organs. Ban them all.
As you can tell, the journey was boring and my poor passenger was now regretting coming with me... as they often do...
Obviously with my recent reading about schools and Home Education my imagination took the short trip there... and off I went...why is it the world thinks I will not be able to provide my daughter with a decent education? How dare they even suggest that? I'm a well qualified professional, with an absolute desire to spend as much quality time with my daughter as possible and No, breakfast time ("GET UP" "EAT UP" "HURRY UP") and dinner time ("WAKE UP" "EAT UP" and "GO UP TO BED") will not be sufficient. They are not taking my child away to sit bored in a classroom all day, she is my child, and I am capable.
Passenger politely points out beautiful sunset...
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Baking with the Cat in the Hat
I have bred a house full of vultures, greedy greedy vultures.
Little Acorn has been playing with her Big Acorn and Middle Acorn (who has now calmed down and thinks HE might be a good idea, and can she "help"...?). This is after 20 minutes looking at LA books!
and Nanny White (named after the colour of her hair) sent LA a "Cat in the Hat" CD. LA loves it, she has been quoting it all morning:
"You should not be here when our mother is not,
You should not be here, said the fish in the pot".
A star in the making!!
Saturday, 26 May 2007
Catch up time
Friday 25th May
In the morning we printed out some pictures of our Farm trip and stuck them on a big piece of paper. LA was very enthusiastic about the gluing, so I haven't been able to write on it yet, but I have been instructed on what I should write!! Girls are really bossy. Then it was Tescos for lunch.
Big Acorn had his A2 Geography exams, and thinks he's either passed or failed...
I went to work in the afternoon, had a horrid shift trying to communicate with a GP from Hell.
I think GPs get worse...
Saturday 26th May
Little Acorn has spent the morning with Daddy while I have been at work clearing up the mess from yesterdays saga.
She is noticing numbers everywhere and demanding to know what they mean, houses, lamp posts, drain covers... she's right, they are EVERYWHERE... and luckily for me, it was Daddy's turn to explain them all today.
They've been playing with shadows this afternoon and since I got in at 4 I have read every book in the house - at least it feels like it.
The cress we planted on Wednesday is now ready and has mostly been eaten by little acorn.
and its half term - so Daddy is here all week...mostly building a shed and hopefully putting in a new toilet.
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Preschool targets and funding
Basically, they have a list of "goals" that they observe the child obtaining and then document this. They structure some activities so that they can see if the child is able to obtain the goals, and when the child receives a funded place (the term after they are 3 - so September...) they concentrate on this a little more.
That fact that I had read these goals and were aware of the documents that they based their care on surprised them a great deal. I found this very sad. Maybe I'm a nerd who reads everything...
I asked how much pressure they put on a child to achieve these goals or take part in the activities - they say very little. I explained my concerns about pushing learning activities putting children off learning, and they did seem aware of this. They like to encourage the activities, but can see that if the child is not interested then the child will not learn and they will not get to tick it off on their form and so do not "push" to complete the activity.
They asked me which school she would be attending - and I explained that at the moment we were not expecting her to be attending any. But that this was open to review and we couldn't say for certain. They have given me a handout, which has the "correct letter formations" on it.
They did seem very aware of HE and not at all down on it as a concept. We talked about the opportunities for socialising and learning with others that were around locally and the playschool leader said that if I needed some advice or to get hold of documents or contacts in the LEA, to let her know and she would help.
Meanwhile, I have been gently opening the way with Little Acorn - explaining to her that not everyone goes to school and some lucky children get to stay at home with Mummy and do lots of fun things.
I have to work this afternoon, and so will absorb this information as I am driving around Leicestershire.
Meanwhile - a real shocker: I have just seen Middle Acorn in the co-op with a BOY!!!
I went to speak to her, but she pretended it was all normal and fine and didn't acknowledge the fact she was with a BOY at all. I didn't feel it was appropriate to start asking him about his intentions....at least, not in the co-op!!