Wednesday 20 June 2007

Playing at School

LA has a new favourite game - playing at school. She is the teacher and all her teddies are the children. She even made big bear go and sit in the sandpit today as he was talking.

I admit I find it worrying. And then I find the fact that I find it worrying, worrying. and then - well, you get the idea...

What am I going to do if she wants to go to school? Do we just let her? After all this reading about Home Education, I will fret about her being at school so young and I will regret all the missed opportunities. I know I can give her more.

I might not take her to playschool for the next few weeks - but she really enjoys it - so I'll have to find a good replacement, if I do that and I'll have to pay! The playschool is understandably preparing the older children to start school next term, and I think she's picking up on this.

Oh we are nowhere near starting this yet - but its so so stressful.

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