Thursday 6 September 2007

GSCEs, AS, Uniforms and other stuff.

Well, MAs GCSE results came in and she got 2 C's. Considering she's taken them a year early, I think that's pretty good. Unfortunately she doesn't...

BA got 2 Cs and 2 E's in his AS levels, and is now carrying on to do 3 A2's. He "hates school", but at least the end is in sight.

LA is still jogging along happily with the world. She is testing new words out at the moment - yesterday she informed me that it was "hilarious" that the apples and grapes were in the fruit bowl...before that it was "incredible" that the Tweenies were on the TV.
3 year olds - aren't they great?

Our local primary school has introduced a compulsory uniform this year. Everywhere I look there's tiny people trying to look smart and behave themselves. Then I look at LA and think "Phew", how lucky we are, not to have to play that game.
What is the point of uniforms anyway? To stop the "fashionable" kids picking on the unfashionable ones apparently. It doesn't take much thought to realise that a school uniform is not going to do that, not unless we force them to wear them 24/7, and then insist that they all buy them from the same place.
No I honestly think that school uniform is a control issue. "You belong to us". Much like a military uniform - "You are one of us, you are not independent". How far is that from "You will not have free thought" or am I paranoid?


Jax Blunt said...

Try reading the children's story by James Clavell, it's got some thoughts on uniforms.

Jules said...

I took your advice and read it. Scary stuff - but yes, definately where my thoughts were going...