Wednesday 29 August 2007

The Dark....

"Well, the thing is, " says LA as she's sat on the edge of my bed, "when I close my eyes it's dark and I don't know if there's any monsters there, so I open my eyes and it's light and I can look to see if they are there. But when it's dark, when I open my eyes its the same and I haven't got any more eyes to open, and I don't know if there's monsters there or not."

So, I'll put the light on then...


Moonroot said...

Makes perfect sense to me...

Jules said...

Yes, I agree - perfect sense.
You can't argue with logic like that can you?

Anonymous said...

Fab logic. Love it. Umm, I have a 4 yr old like that.

Classroomfree said...

Excellent :o)