Sunday 13 January 2008

Where we're at....

Well, I don't think I can catch up here, so I won't even try...

But here's where we're at:

We have a builder in who is transforming our garage into a room and extending our porch. Its getting there quite quickly. We will then move BA into it, MA into BAs old room and LA can finally move out of our room and into her own room. I say this gleefully, but actually - it's a little sad.

LA herself is currently not being the easiest person to live with. We seem to be into temper tantrum land again, as the reality of the world not conforming to her will sets in. We've reduced playschool days from twice to once a week in an attempt to leave slowly, and this will also allow us to attend HE group more often.
This September is when LA is supposed to start school, so I've booked us (just LA and I) a week away. The plan is to leave playschool completely during Summer half term (to avoid the "starting school" excitement), but as ever - this plan is open to changes.

Work wise, I have found a little more enthusiasm now. I still truly believe that I am worth more than my current role allows (and wonderfully people have been spontaneously telling me so!!!), but there is still a freeze on advertising empty posts in our NHS Trust, so I will try to make the most of where I am.

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