Sunday 21 November 2010

Worshipping at the Temple of the mighty Cocoa.

Blessed be the Chocolate bar! Today we visited Cadburys World in Birmingham. What better therapy for the winter blues?
It was much much better than I expected, interesting, educational and with a wonderful aroma of Chocolate.
We learnt about Coco beans, the Incas, fair trade and obviously - chocolate. Also a bit about Quakers and life in the late 1800's.

We had a lovely relaxing family day out, which made us realise that we don't make enough effort to get out and enjoy things together. Until September this year, I worked every weekend and Rich worked in the week, we simply haven't had opportunity to spend time together. Since then, we've been using our weekends together to catch up on mundane tasks that need both of us, like painting the landing! But now we are making an attempt to claim our weekends back!

We also came away with lots of chocolate bars. WOW! BONUS!

Inspired by this, we have put aside all other work this week and we are going to have a chocolate themed week, learning more about the production of chocolate, fair trade, Incas, and lots of choccy cooking.

1 comment:

Sharrhy said...

'Wise little acorn' certainly looks happy, chocolate appears to agree with her ;-) X