Friday 5 November 2010

Teeth and worries

Emily has lost 2 milk teeth in the last 2 weeks and this week we find that the next chapter of her science book is about teeth. Good timing! I think we will be looking at this site too.

It has been an extrememly busy week and I am beginning to worry about the small amount of learning that seems to go on. I know I go through this periodically, so to find myself doubting again is no surprise. I know that Emily is learning, but I seem to spend my time worrying about the process! Structure or no structure, maybe a little structure. Workbooks? Writing? Computer? Aggghhh.

I think I need some quiet time to review where we are and where we are going. If I will be able to find that quiet time is a totally different matter. I am under great pressure at work, and whereas being offered as much overtime as I want is a good thing, having to work extra hours isn't so great.

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