Sunday 15 June 2008


Religion - it's a funny old thing isn't it?

I consider myself to be religious, although I know a lot of people disagree with me, claiming that my beliefs are not part of a religion. But to me, that's just word games, it has nothing to do with the fact that I have beliefs that I feel are religious.

My beliefs are Pagan, I believe that I am a child of Planet Earth, the great Mother. I believe that I am part of the whole, not a separate entity and that my life is equal to and as important as any other life on Earth. I believe that as part of this, I should be more involved than modern life likes us to be. So I try to keep in touch with the seasons, I look to nature for guidance and inspiration and I maintain a lifestyle which is as "green" as I can make it.

I also very strongly believe that when I die, I will rot. I will return to the Earth that gave me life and the circle will be complete. I do not believe my spirit will live on.

I work with a Pentecostal Christian, who yesterday decided for the umpteenth time to try to steer me clear of my controller - the devil. I know his intentions were good, but they were very misguided. I had 5 hours of Christianity and anti-paganism (aka Devil worshipping apparently) as I was stuck in a car. So today, I feel I really need to have a good spiritual wash.

My beliefs are harsh, I know that. I would truly rather believe that there was a Heaven than nothing - but don't believe that. I am envious of those that do, but it doesn't alter the fact that I cannot change what I believe. I don't think it is even possible to change your beliefs unless there is an educated argument that teaches you something you were previously lacking. I haven't heard an argument like that for Christianity in many years, but I have been questioning myself.

I find it hard that people can be so dismissive and derogatory towards my beliefs, while I remain respectful and understanding of theirs even through it is alien to me.
I also remember with real sadness the distress that a supply teacher inflicted upon James when he was 7. He told him that unless his Mummy and Daddy rejected the Devil and returned to God they would "burn alive in the fires of hell forever".

1 comment:

dottyspots said...

*sigh* it can be really frustrating sometimes!

I had a Mori blokey turn up doing a poll on the doorstep. I had a few minutes so I answered the various questions and then we got to the bit about filling in ethnicity, religion, etc.

I replied 'pagan' for religion (as I'm not following a specific 'path' as such, pagan is a handy catch-all term that gives people a general idea of where I might be coming from).

"Do you consider that to be a religion?"

I got a little peeved and pointed out that he had asked me and I had replied and therefore, quite clearly, that was my answer.

Anyway, are you going to the Goddess camp in Leics? A couple of local HE-ers and myself are considering it.