Wednesday 9 April 2008

childcare...and guilt

We have had some major changes to our childcare. Over the Easter break, it became clear that LA was being ignored at playschool - something I had worried about and asked the play leader about and been assured that it wasn't happening - but apparently it was. No one spoke to LA at playschool apart from the helpers. No one spoke to her, no one played with her.

Obviously we couldn't let this go on, so we removed her. Then we were faced with a dilemma - do we leave her with "just us" (a small non extended family, who are very insular), or do we find somewhere else? In the end we decided to visit the local private nursery (which MA went to when she was small), and LA adored it. She played games and joined in instantly. So the decision was made for us.

She is due to start (2 mornings a week) tomorrow - and I'm feeling like "Bad Mum" tonight. I know that this is right for us right now - I have to work so we need childcare - but still, its more time in childcare and less time for us. The plan is to have 2 terms at 2 days a week and reduce to 1 day after Xmas to leave when she is 5.

Also feeling really really guilty that we don't have any little people to invite to LA 4th birthday party! We invited lots last year and only 4 showed, so we don't want to risk it this year...we have persuaded her that a sleepover and party at Brown Nannys house and a visit to the seaside would be much more fun! But listening to her talk about inviting her "friends" when these are the same kids that have been ignoring her for months, is heartbreaking.

Home Ed wobbles? Oh yes - - - and its the usual culprit - socialising.

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