Saturday 13 February 2010

They found us!! Although we weren't really hiding...

We received the dreaded letter from the Local Authority recently, informing us that they were aware that we "intended" to Home Educate Emily. ("Intend????")
I wasn't surprised, I haven't really been hiding. I refuse to hide.
The paperwork they sent had it's problems, rather patronising. They also enclosed a form for us to fill in a return to them so that we could discuss when the Home Ed officer visits.
And there's the stumbling block...
Oh dear.
So I'm sitting here tippy typing away a report, thinking "Wow haven't we done A LOT" and feeling rather pleased with Emily’s achievements.
But, what purpose would a visit serve? Emily would get worried about being "sent" to school, and the LA would get what extra information? None.
No, we don't need a visit, thank you.

1 comment:

Maire said...

It would be laughable for them to think they could assess you, sigh! Much better the other way round.