Saturday, 2 June 2007

On a downer

Feeling a bit down today, I guess its really just "one of those days" and if I had any sense I'd go to bed early and get it over and done with. But having very little sense, I suspect I'll see it though to the end!!

It started badly, my first day back at work after a week off. A week in which I had achieved very little as it rained all week. I got into work to discover that my boss had changed all the decisions I made before I went on holiday. Some of these were trivial, but some were very important (that's VERY important...VERY VERY - I'm a Mental Health Nurse and some of the decisions I make with the people I visit are VERY important and rely on trust) and I remain very worried about some of these, even as I sit here trying not to think of work.
Why would he do that anyway???

Anyhow - finished work and came home to find Rich and little acorn had spent the morning making models - excellent.
However, he then declares that he has been speaking to Middle Acorn and thinks she may be right and Little Acorn should go to school...


Clare Kirkpatrick said...

Try not to worry too much about the HE decision - she's only just turned 3 so you've got a lot time before you have to decide...a drip drip approach is helpful when persuading other people about the rightness of your decisions, whatver they may be! Maybe you could suggest HEing for reception year and then re-evaluating the situation constantly - any HE decision is easily reversible if necessary!


shukr said...

I find I say even to *myself* that I am taking each day is it comes with home ed, and the concept of school is a no no to me.

It is really hard when everyone isn't in the same boat though, you just have to keep rowing,)

I also wonder with older siblings, is there some kind of sadness from them that the younger child is having a different parenting experience? That could come out in all sorts of ways.

My sis is 13 years younger than me and lives a very different life to how mine was. I'm not living at home these days, lol, but if I was I think it would sit hard with me to see some of the differences in rasing us day in and day out iykwim.

best wishes

penny said...

Grrrrrrrr. I am angry for you. It is a real vote of no confidence in you as a mental health worker. i would be furious and offended and depressed and belittled. Have you mentioned this to your boss? The how dare you aspect? I would. But then i never was very good at playing politics.

Then to get home and find more of the same. middle acorn has a real thing about school doesn't she? Is she jealous that she was never given the chance to be at home with you? Does she really understand about socialisation? maybe she just doesn't understand enough. Things are very black and white when you are young.

Littlest Acorn is YOUR child. Not hers. You love her more than anyone else in the world. You will make the right decision.

Jules said...

I agree, I shall not worry about what happens in 2 years time today, that will take care of itself.
Penny, Middle Acorn LOVES school, thats why she doesn't want LA "deprived" of that experience and yes I think you are right Shukr, I think it is partly about LA being given different options. I will work on the "different is not better or worse - its different", routine.
Oh and spoke to Boss - - all sorted. No harm done. Phew.

'EF' said...

I am coming to realise that partners often disagree about the home ed choices....but at the end of the day, I really do trust a mother's instinct. You must have a 'gut' feeling that HE is the right choice for your daughter, and if the other members of your family feel differently then they will perhaps be thinking, like middle acorn, about what was or is best for them...I am waffling a bit, but I hope you know what I mean.

As to your boss changing stuff...aaargh...this is one of the reasons why I find it almost impossible to work 'under' someone. I hope that you can smooth it out somehow with your clients....