Tuesday 15 May 2007

Falling from the Tree

This week we have been exploring the option of Home Education for our littlest acorn. Its been a strange experience - very uplifting and yet quite stressful, and so far all we're doing is considering it......it has however dawned on me loudly and clearly that having explored the option of Home Education, I have raised my expectations of schools. This could be a problem as they weren't meeting my lower expectations anyway.
I know that this is what I want to do, I have always resented the state taking my children away to educate them, and giving them back tired, irritable and hungry at the end of the day. I want to continue doing what I am doing now, showing her the world and helping her take part in it.We have some time to make our decision as our daughter has only just turned 3, and although locally the expectation is that we will send her to school next September, we have already decided that is not going to happen, well- not then anyway.

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